Alberto Musso – ANFIA Technical and Regulatory Affairs

François Roudier – OICA Secretary General
Olivier Fontaine – Technical Director
Jean-Marc Prigent – Deputy Technical Director

The Technical Committee, formed in 1956, coordinates the technical activities of OICA’s member associations and, in particular, serves as technical adviser to the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP 29) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. The Committee assists WP 29 in the development of international technical regulations (ECE Regulations under the framework of the 1958 Agreement and Global Regulations under the framework of the 1998 Agreement) affecting motor vehicles and trailers. The Committee also responds to proposed rulemaking in countries not applying the International Regulations.

The Committee is advised by six groups of experts and several ad hoc groups, which prepare detailed studies on subjects including noise, air pollution, and safety, including both active safety systems, such as braking, lighting and visibility, and passive systems, such as occupant crash protection, improved performance of vehicles in crashes, and improved compatibility among vehicles in crashes.

The Technical Committee monitors the potential impact of proposed new regulations on energy consumption and informs and advises governments and intergovernmental agencies on these potential impacts.The full Committee meets three times each year. Each group of experts meets as appropriate.

Member Associations from all over the world regularly participate in Committee work. Member Associations which do not participate in the work of the Committee receive technical information and timely reports on the Committee’s activities. These member Associations may submit relevant proposals and technical data.